A match made in heaven. Love at first bite. A love for the ages. Any way you say it, one thing is perfectly clear: honey and cheese belong together. They were meant to be. No question. End of discussion.

What makes this union so delicious is that just a drizzle of honey brings out all the lovely creamy saltiness of most cheeses. Picture creamy brie, tangy blue, earthy goat or feta, and sharp aged cheeses. Love is love y’all. Don’t forget about the lovely softer cheeses either. A drizzle of honey on some ricotta or labneh is divine. It all boils down to what cheeses you prefer. Don’t worry. No matter what cheese you use, you cannot mess this up. Trust me.
Ready to up your cheese and honey game? Grazing boards and charcuterie are one of the tastiest things you can put together when entertaining. They encourage us to gather and be social. And let's face it, we’ve all gotten a bit out of practice gathering and socializing. It’s time to get the conversations going again.
A key component to any charcuterie or cheese plate is a sweet jelly. There’s a reason for that. The sweetness of jelly balances out the fat in cheeses. Add some cured meats or salty olives and you’ve got the makings of a great grazing board!

As you know, we sweeten our jellies entirely with honey. So that means they are a wonderful way to add depth of flavor to your cheese and honey pairings. A good place to start is pairing soft, sweet cheeses with a spicy jelly and bold aged cheeses with a fruitier one. This is just a jumping off point really. Be bold. Go crazy.
Think ricotta cheese with a dollop of Mixed Berry. Or what about our Hot Honey with fresh burrata. Did someone say Spicy Tomato over some softened cream cheese? Don’t even get me started on what you can do with brie. Cut that wheel in half (horizontal) and spread some Smoked Strawberry in between those layers then wrap the whole thing in puff pastry and bake til golden. Mind blown.
This past summer, we partnered with the amazing Seaquest Farms and combined our Lemon Blueberry with their chevre. The tartness of the lemon and the sweetness of the blueberries really balances out the earthiness of the chevre.
If you’re a fan of the rich, piquant flavor of a good gorgonzola or stilton, why not pair it with one of our more savory jellies? Think Smoked Peach with a bold gorgonzola. The smokiness of the peaches marries wonderfully with gorgonzola. Or go completely opposite with our Blackberry. The lovely goodness of the blackberries compliment even the richest blue.
If you love a good English cheddar (which I do), serve alongside our Spiced Apple. The sharpness of the cheddar goes wonderfully with the mild flavor of the apples.
To help make your decision easier, you can't miss with our Charcuterie Flyte which contains 4 2-oz. jars of our jellies and a honey. It comes with a groovy little honey dipper too.
Since we're now in the midst of the holidays and, if you're like me, you've got lots of gatherings scheduled, make sure that you take pictures and tag us on Instagram with the hashtag #honeychildandcheese. We'd really love to see your creativity at work! And, after the holidays, one Instagram poster will receive a free 6-pack of our jellies.
Your mother gave me one of your jellies. Yummy.
The one was mixed berries.